
The Shepton Drama Booster Club, a 501(c)(3) organization, supports the drama department at Shepton High School in Plano, Texas.  This is our parent organization and all parents are invited to join us.  The goal of our club is to allow the Directors to focus on developing the talent of our students not the administration of running a theatre.  We focus on coordinating activities and providing volunteers to assist the Directors in whatever way possible.


We do ask that everyone have a user id and password to use our site.  Please use the button to reach additional content.


Click here for Sign-up Genius for theater events that need your support


Upcoming Events


Upcoming volunteer need for various Shepton Theater events: (reach out to Christy at christygatchell@me.com if you think you might be able to contribute):



* Feb. 7 (Fri.) Beetlejuice playbill advertisements due

***Click here for Corporate Ad form***

  ***Click here for Parent Ad form***


* Feb. 7 (Fri.) Bravo Movie Night (Snack donations requested)


* Feb. 8 (Sat.) Musical work day - participants should bring a lunch


* Feb. 21 (Fri.) late rehearsal (Dinner by booster, details added later)


Feb. 22 (Sat.) Tech work day - (tech crew lunch by booster, additional calls; can bring a lunch or chip in for a lunch delivered by booster)


* Feb. 24 (Mon.) late rehearsal (Dinner by booster, details added later)


* Feb. 25 (Tues.) late rehearsal (Dinner by booster, details added later)


* Feb. 26 (Weds.) late rehearsal (Dinner by booster, details added later)


* Feb. 27 (Thurs.) 7 pm performance (Dinner by booster, details added later) - Click here to purchase tickets

Volunteer needs:

Donations for concession items:  

Small, medium and large candies, chips, popcorn, snacks, drinks

Tickets scanners

Concession sales

Merch sales


* Feb. 28 (Fri.) 7 pm performance (Dinner by booster, details added later) - Click here to purchase tickets

Volunteer needs:

Donations for concession items:  

Small, medium and large candies, chips, popcorn, snacks, drinks

Tickets scanners

Concession sales

Merch sales


Mar. 01 (Sat.)

3pm Understudy performance

4:30 Dinner by booster

7pm performance - Click here to purchase tickets

Volunteer needs:

Donations for concession items:  

Small, medium and large candies, chips, popcorn, snacks, drinks

Tickets scanners

Concession sales

Merch sales


Parent and Booster Meetings (click past dates for meeting minutes):

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